Frequently asked questions(FAQ)



Ans. Yes, Absolutely! Participants successfully completing the course and scoring the pass marks in the examination shall be awarded with two professionals hardcopies of the certificates by ICPEM & Avabodha respectively.

All the study material will be duly provided as per the class

Yes, of course! You can practice  as a professional.

Counsellors, Therapists, Psychologists

The classes will be conducted on the Zoom app.

Each course exchange includes soft copy of study material, assignments, hardcopies of the professional certificates which we shall courier.

Most courses are offered in different timeframes. Each batch runs in a specific time ensuring whole hearted attention.

You will be provided with clear instructions for completing each assignment and you have to email it on the specific email id that would be shared with you.

Your assignments along with viva score and written examination with minimum 75% pass marks  shall be the criteria to be eligible for the certificates.

DM or Whats App on #9999277860 or email us at